Hello, my name is George and my best friend is called Magic. We have both recently joined The Pegasus Centre.
George (left) and Magic |
Magic has settled in straight away, but it is taking me longer to get used to my new surroundings.
Magic |
When I arrived, I was introduced to Emily's dog, Beau. He is very friendly but not always keen to share the hay. Playing in a field and rolling around in mud makes a horse very hungry you know!
George meets Beau |
The first time I went inside the indoor school, I thought it was very strange to see another horse in there that looked just like me...
Another George? |
but I soon realised that I was just looking at my reflection in a mirror!
Toys are not tasty treats! |
It was disappointing to discover that the buckets in the school are full of toys. Personally, I prefer to find horse cubes in buckets!
Hello Niamh |
Niamh, who rides Gilly every week, likes to stop and say hello when I am in the paddock. I have to put my head down close to her so she can pat me. I must seem very big to her but I think she knows that I am very gentle with children.
Just testing! |
Magic and I share a field with the other geldings but I thought it would be nice to introduce ourselves to the mares. There is an electric fence separating the girls and boys but Magic was sure it was switched off. After checking it was safe...
Head first, then step through. Easy! |
I climbed through and told Magic to follow...
Come on, what are you waiting for? |
then headed across the field to say hello. Unfortunately I was caught in the act by Kate and Alison...
Sorry Alison, but the grass really is greener on this side! |
so got taken back to the geldings field with Magic.
We need to work on plan B |
I thought Magic was given his name because he had been to Hogwarts with Harry Potter. And if he had an invisible cloak, we could come and go without being noticed. Sadly this is not the case...
Oops, it was just an accident! |
and after breaking another fence, I am now wishing for a magic wand!
Many thanks to Emily and Kate for providing the brilliant pictures for this post.