Sunday, 29 March 2015

Rusty... in colour

Hello, my name is Rusty and I joined the centre just over four months ago.  Clearly I am called Rusty because of my colour.
Rusty can also mean 'A skill impaired by lack of practice' or 'Stiff with age or disuse' (I wonder why the lady who writes this blog is not called Rusty?).

After some initial training, I now have the many skills required to be an RDA pony and am used in sessions for our school groups.
Sam Orde teaching stretching exercises to a school group
I have also been chosen to work with our youngest RDA rider, Connor, aged 3. His parents and physiotherapists have noticed a marked improvement in his strength and balance since he started riding aged 2.
Connor with volunteers Lily (left) and Erin 
Connor holds the rein aids so he can steer
Sophie has been teaching Connor with help from our brilliant volunteers. He loves to point out letters and pictures on the walls...
Connor on Rusty with (from left) Lily, Georgia and Erin

and likes to match coloured hoops and cones.
Connor has also been practicing around the Countryside Challenge course for a competition we are having at the centre over the Easter holidays...
Connor posts a letter
and he has had many 'high fives' from Georgia for doing so well.
Hopefully the judge will not be 'rusty' when marking her score sheet on competition day!

I also work with our able-bodied riders...
Niamh shows good balance when moving hoops across
for jumping lessons...
Isobel and Rusty jumping
  and for pony parties!
Rusty all ready for a pony party with Megan
Lastly, I am a bit confused why Tess, who is stabled next to me, was not called 'Rusty'.  She is clearly much bigger than me, but...
is very rusty looking!

Many thanks to Sophie for taking most of the pictures used in this post. And clearly showing she has brilliant teacher/photographer multitasking skills! 

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